Monday, November 25, 2019

Friday, November 22, 2019

Causes of the American Revolution: Road to the Revolution

In addition to the French & Indian War, and the movements of the Enlightenment and Great Awakening, There were a series of political decisions made on behalf of the British government that really ticked the colonists off.  Below you will find links to a slideshow with the vocabulary for this section, and also an optional slideshow with a corresponding optional chart that will help you see a more complete version of all the things that the colonists were going through due to British policies.

Thursday, November 14, 2019

Causes of the American Revolution: The Enlightenment & Great Awakening

If the French & Indian War was the physical boot camp for the colonists, these two movements were the philosophical or mental things that prepared the way for the US Revolutionary War.  Today in class we studied some big idea movements that were behind the American Revolution.

Wednesday, November 13, 2019

Causes of the American Revolution: The French & Indian War

The colonists in North America didn't just wake up one morning and decide to have themselves a revolution... there was a long process involving a series of things that prepared the way for the birth of our nation.  The first thing in the line of important events was what many of the colonists called The French and Indian War.  I like to think of this as boot camp for the colonists, who had next to zero experience in battle.  Here are a couple useful materials from today's class:

Powerpoint Presentation

Cornell Notes

Tuesday, November 5, 2019

Chapter 4 Summative: Life in the Colonies

Create a graphic organizer that compares & contrasts life in the British colonies to our lives today in Hillsboro Oregon. Your visual should show at least four things that were just British colonies, four things that are just our life today, and four things that we have in common with colonial people.